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Regarding Information Collection

No information on users of any age collected from websites under the domain "yumekawahanachi.neocities.org" is accessible to the site creator (Hana-chi) except for comments left on the homepage using the comment box provided by Cbox (refer to here) and the visitor counter provided by FC2 (refer to here). Any data collected through cookies and automatic information are at the discretion of the website host, Neocities (refer to here). However, information related to purchases made through the Stripe service including the name attached to your card or payment method may be collected for billing purposes but will not be publicly disclosed. Information related to purchases through the Teepublic service however, are not accessible to this website's creator (Hana-chi) and are solely at the discretion of Teepublic.

Regarding Third Party Websites

We do not hold responsibility for the collection of data for third party sites linked on this website. The linking of third party websites on this website on its own does not mean endorsement.