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花ちとコミュニケーションガイド/Hana-chi's Communication Guide





  • 社会的の空気を適切に処理するのに少し時間がかかる
  • 特定の刺激に対して感覚過敏がある
  • 型破りともいえる身体の動きで、ある種の感情を表現する
  • 相手の表情で感情が見えないと、相手の感情を理解するのが難しい
  • 精神的に緊張を感じると、軽い不安発作を起こしやすい


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I have symptoms of mild autism and ADHD that have persisted since my early childhood. I can regulate my emotions, communicate my opinions through text and register information well. However, I may face issues trying to communicate orally and physically.

What issues I have:

  • It takes me a bit to properly process social environments.
    I generally cannot read the room unless there are highly obvious emotional signs like laughing or crying.
  • I have sensory sensitivities to certain stimuli
    I feel uneasy when eating aubergine, corn, or animal heart. I don't like the sound of moist squishy objects and car horns. I don't like clothing with small necklines, touching substances without the presence of a water supply, or being touched anywhere other than the shoulders. I feel nauseous when exposed to strong smells especially the smell of cooking oil or soup. I will try my best to manage when I do have to go through these things, but I want to avoid them when possible.
  • I express certain emotions through physical movements that could be considered unconventional.
    Specifically, I tend to flap my hands or lightly clap when I'm happy. I also pull my hair when stressed, but I try my best not to.
  • I face issues understanding other people's emotions if I cannot see it through their face.
    If there are no stereotypical emotional signs like crying, furrowed eyebrows or smiling, I cannot identify another's emotions by speaking tone alone.
  • I am prone to light anxiety attacks when emotionally pressured.
    I can experience light anxiety attacks in situations where people misinterpret my words or in conflict. These attacks can range from light shaking to violent shaking, heavy breathing and tearing up depending on the situation's severity.